Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo

Burpo, T., & Vincent, L. (2010). Heaven is for real: A little boy's astounding story of his trip to heaven and back. Nashville, Tenn: Thomas Nelson.

Todd Burpo tells the story in first-person point of view. He is telling the story from his point of view, but telling the readers using Colton's words.

Colton Burpo was three years old when he told his parents he had a stomach ache.  They went to the doctor and his stomach ache was misdiagnosed as the flu. He ends up having to be rushed to the hospital because of his stomach and they realize that his appendix has burst causing it to poison his body.

 Colton's dad is the author of the book and he goes into details of what Colton tells them about his near death experience, except that he never died.  They have no records of Colton's heart stopping, but he was able to tell about his experience in Heaven.  This book goes through what he says about Heaven and compares it to the Bible.

I believe this book would be for older children at the high school level.  It conveys truths that younger students might not understand. For instance, he talks about an upcoming battle with Satan.

This is a great book that I would recommend to anyone!

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