Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Collins, S. (2009). The hunger games. London: Scholastic.

File:Hunger games.jpgThe Hunger Games is a fantasy chapter book that is for young adults. I would not use this book in my classroom because some of the themes and concepts would be too high for my students.  Some of the themes in this book are: poverty, the aftermath of war, and torture for enjoyment.

This book set in the future and is written from Katiniss Everdean's point of view.  She is a 16 year old girl that lives in District 12. Each year they have something called the Hunger Games, which is where tributes from each of the 12 districts come and fight to the death.  Katniss ends up in the Hunger Games because she takes her sister's place.  She has to prepare with help from a team from the Capitol.  Katniss is in a love triangle with Peeta, the other tribute from District 12, and Gale, her childhood friend.  She tries to figure out which one she loves, but doesn't really decide by the end of the book.  Peeta and her help each other throughout the games and end up as the last two.  The game makers say there can only be one winner.

If you have seen the movie then you should definately read the book!  

This is not my typical book, but I have seen the movie and wanted to see how the book compared.

For the most part, the movie followed the events of the book.  The book however, used imagery that the movie could just not duplicate.  For instance, in the end of the book when Peeta and Katniss are on top of the cornucopia and there are creatures that are mutations from the fallen tributes.  Collins goes into great detail about how they look and resemble the tributes.  The movie did not even include this imagery.  The movie just simply had creatures trying to attack Peeta and Katniss.

I am looking forward to reading the second and third book in this trilogy.

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